04 December, 2008

Now What?

So, now I have my own blog.

Now what?

I was talked into writing this by my first wife and a friend who think I have something to say. I find this somewhat amusing since I usually have very little to say. I normally like to observe from the sidelines and only add my 2¢ at strategic opportunities. Or when it would be the most humorous.

I’ve read a number of blogs since I read my first blog this spring. I have to say that I’ve found more that I dislike than those I like. Some contain, almost in their entirety, information cut from other sources. Others will have a clear political/ideological leaning and proclaim that they are open-minded and support the First Amendment but only if you agree with the author. Some bloggers self-inflate the importance of their blog. It’s just a blog, dammit, if your ideas were that insightful and/or your writing was that good you wouldn’t be doing it for free. Still others feel like they have to blog about everything they do short of bowel movements (and sometimes even include that).

To anyone that reads this blog I promise to avoid the above. I will welcome criticism and contrasting viewpoints. I will not tolerate abuse. And a word of warning: I am not a writer by any stretch of the imagination.

So who is this Caveman?

I’m more like a caveman than most people realize:

  • I’m a simple guy.

  • I invented the wheel. Really. You can check it out. (OK, I invented a wheel, but that still counts, right?)

  • I can use simple tools.

  • I could live off the land.

  • I don’t shave on weekends.

More about the Caveman next time.


Jenny said...

Yay Louie!

Rod said...

MAN - I do all of the above!! I should get EXTRA credit!!!

Left Hand Louie said...

Of course you do.

But only in small doses.

Everything in moderation!

dj said...

Hooray! We get to find out more fun facts about Louie!! :D

Robbi said...

I was wondering who this new person was...

Yay!! Louie!

Jenny said...

Louie gots cluster map skillz!